Esoteric Literature

Magazine of the Conscious Presence

Shakti Wellness invites you to discover a world of esoteric literature through transcendental books and abondant short articles. Although originally created in Spanish, our website “Revista La Presencia Consciente” will offer translation in English, Italian, French and Portuguese. You may also use the ‘google translate’ feature for the articles that are not translated.

Here you can learn more about the realm of consciousness or what our beloved spiritual teacher, Srila Bhagavata Bhusana Guru, likes to call “the Conscious Presence”. Each article is written by one of his followers and inspired by his teachings. We express here some of our realizations to share a sparkle of awareness and a moment of conscious presence in our every day busy life.

Click on the image to visit the blog:

Shakti Wellness los invitan a leer en La Revista Presencia Consciente artículos escritos en español sobre los temas esotéricos tal como la Presencia Consciente y el auto conocimiento inspirado por las enseñanzas de nuestro maestro espiritual. Cada articulo es escrito por uno de sus discípulos con el fin de compartir nuestras realizaciones y un momento de presencia consciente en medio de la tormenta de la vida.

Transcendental Books by Bhagavata Bhusana Guru

Please click on the images below to purchase the wonderful books (Kindle Edition) written by our spiritual Mentor, Srila Bhagavata Bhusana Guru.


OM is the most powerfully sublime sound vibration and the most sacred seed mantra, chanted and meditated upon by millions of spiritualists all over the world who are sincerely striving for perfection.


In your Personal Power-Mantra, the power-song of your life, you will find lasting love, peace, and happiness. This divine sound vibration produces a tremendously powerful state of consciousness that will exceptionally enrich your life and take it to higher levels of expanded awareness. The Power-Mantra is an exceptional method that creates a dynamic consciousness, which takes our cognitive powers to the point of developing a new vision of life, of our environment, and of our own self. Ultimately it brings realization and love of God.


This beautiful books explains how the chanting of the Holy Names is the only reliable method for meditation. You will find in here an universe of bliss. Beautiful chantings, and prayers to help your connection to the Supreme.

(Spanish Edition)


Este libro ha sido dedicado a todos los científicos, médicos, pioneros y estudiantes en el campo del antienvejecimiento, cuyo único propósito es prevenir las enfermedades en ciernes, para ofrecer a la humanidad una mejor calidad de vida sobre la tierra e indudablemente una mejor oportunidad de alcanzar la iluminación y la unión con Dios.

More resources:

For more books in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian edition please click the image below:

(Para descubrir más libros en varios idiomas click en la imagen aquí):

For more information on these esoteric topics please send your email at and to request for your personal power mantra from our spiritual teacher please contact us at

Your partner in health and wellness of mind, body and spirit,
